Today my friend Michael and I hung out in the chat room sharing our thoughts on Superbowl 50, mostly about the performances and the commercials.
*Which was your favorite commercial?
*Which was your favorite commercial?
*Who would be interested in me continuing to run these chats in the evenings on Tuesday? Or do you prefer afternoon?
Let me know in the comments!
Doing pretty good. My Active Circuits class is a bit intimidating but I made an 85% on my first section test which was 45 questions long so hopefully things will hold steady! My Programmable Controllers class and Circuits 2 class is a LOT of fun. Math 110 -.- we are on speaking terms but it knows it is annoying me lol
an hour ago
studying imaginary numbers this week... -.-
Did you watch the super bowl?
an hour ago
awww! lol I wasn't really rooting for a particular team.
I was too busy doing MATH 
But I was a bit disappointed by the commercials and I thought they would have done something BIGGER and BADDER for the half time considering this was their 50th...
an hour ago
I laughed at the Doritos baby one... and LOVED the superbowl babies one.
an hour ago
Yeah, that one was good
I liked the Jeep The things i've seen commercial.
an hour ago
I couldn't believe how up in arms people got about the Doritos Baby one *smh*
Which one was the jeep one? one sec I'll go see if youtube has it...
Which one was the jeep one? one sec I'll go see if youtube has it...
an hour ago
Oh I don't remember seeing that one! (must have been while I was lost in some math problem) That one WAS a good one!!!
an hour ago
Try getting her into fantasy football next year. My husband isn't into football much either (and neither am I) but he says he enjoys superbowl more now that he plays fantasy football with his friends... he's sorta forced to witness the teams struggles all season long
They even have games for money...
Did your wife have a favorite commercial?
an hour ago
This is the first year in 5 that I haven't done fantasy football. We just do it through Yahoo
She liked the heinz with the wiener dogs
an hour ago
Yeah my husband prefers the yahoo one too! He is the commish for the one they do at his workplace (how he got wrangled into that I'll never figure out)
They tried the ESPN one one year and it was a flop lol
The heinz wiener dog one was a hoot... AFTER I sat there wondering "WHAT THE FLIP?"
an hour ago
I haven't tried the ESPN one. I played with the same group every year so we just stick with Yahoo
an hour ago
(you aren't missing anything... more confusion perhaps?) Speaking of "What the flip" Who was that artist that was first up during half time? And WHAT was up with all the rainbow flowers?
I was left wondering if I missed the symbolism somewhere...
an hour ago
Was that Coldplay? Dang... they could have picked a more up beat song!
44 minutes ago
lol yeah, we were trying to figure out the selection. it sounded horrible here
44 minutes ago
Blah... just checked out the rest of his songs on youtube... besides Viva la Vida most of his songs are rather slow paced... not very ROCKING PARTY ish.... which is what I was looking forward to at half time... Bruno stepped in and saved the day lol
40 minutes ago
WOW.... thats when you KNOW the selection was bad! OUCH!
37 minutes ago
Yeah, I remember Bruno played Uptown Funk. Couldn't tell you what Beyonce sang
36 minutes ago
Uptown Funk was awesome lol... Beyonce was a bit confusing to me. I sat there through her entire performance marveling over how her lower back wasn't in extreme pain from that "twerking" she was doing... that takes some serious ab and lower back muscles! To practice it enough to be completely insync with her crew... Oh gosh that would KILL me!
34 minutes ago
The dance moves for Bruno and Beyonce's team were very very well in sync! That was awesome to watch... like the pros they are... left Coldplay out in the cold a bit I thought... his costumes didn't even work with theirs???!!!
Was there no pow wow ahead of time? (you know they had to do dress rehearsals in the stadium!)
33 minutes ago
On that note... Lady Gaga... ROCKED the Star Spangled banner I thought!!! VERY WELL DONE and VERY classy! I thought FOR SURE it was going to be a spectacle but no... Bravo!
31 minutes ago
Nope! Someone said "Didn't Coldplay get the memo? we wear patent leather on Sunday!" 
30 minutes ago
ROFLMAO! Apparently he didn't get the memo or else was trying to "Stick it to da man" by raising his rainbow flowers to their black outfits?
Did you see the meme comparing her to Effie Trinket from Hunger Games though? I laughed so hard at that one!
27 minutes ago
Grr... why won't it post lol
nope... no luck... click on it though... its funny lol
Here's an article that collected them all:
21 minutes ago
One said... "The hunger games wants their clothes back lololol"
21 minutes ago
I actually liked her suit... I'd prefer it to some of the crazy outfits she has worn in the past- I thought it was VERY classy of her to tone it down just a smidge - out of respect 
19 minutes ago
Oh good! The books were better
Actually... the movies are better if you've already read the books!
I couldn't put them down...
17 minutes ago
most movies enhance the books
except for harry potter. those movies went in their own direction
15 minutes ago
The Harry Potter movies...... exactly! I was just about to type that!
14 minutes ago
I made sure NOT to re-read the books before the movies came out each time!
14 minutes ago
One time I did... I think it was for the second or third one.... Oh it was the one with the quiditch match I believe -.O was that the one where Harry sees Ron's house for the first time? I wanted to see them throw the garden gnomes! lol
I was SO mad that the movies didn't stick to the book... For the rest I waited to re-read till after the movie came out and felt much better about them lol.
I want to get a copy with full color interior illustrations!
11 minutes ago
Ohhh that would be fun
I want to go to Universal to the Wizarding World.
10 minutes ago
Oh man! Me too! I'm just looking for an excuse to drive all the way down there
We are trying to wait till our youngest is a few years older and then make it a double trip... Universal and Disney all in one go.
9 minutes ago
I'm glad you stopped by Michael! It would have been awkward hanging in here all by myself lol! Hopefully more people will show up next time.
I may need to do some better promoting...
6 minutes ago
We went a about 10 years ago, the week after Thanksgiving. Did everything and a day at Canaveral
lol it was fun. hit me up on facebook any time you want to chat
6 minutes ago
Oh Canaveral is AWESOME!!!
I went there for a week for space camp when I was a teen!
6 minutes ago
My parents had to call and ask them to make a special exception for me since I was a year or two too old for their program but it was an awesome blast! Got to ride in their G force simulator. Will never forget that trip!
4 minutes ago
Facebook chats... they are great one on one... I've been missing having live group conversations though. Illogicon reminded me of what I have been missing from facebook. The instant conversation... which is why I am trying to get this going 
3 minutes ago
That and school has been cutting into my free time so I can't hang on facebook as much as I used to... I start feeling like a nerd locked in the closet with my calculator -.- lol
Later Michael!
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