(My first attempt at sci-fi romance, pg-13 friendly- This is an experiment, I'd really appreciate if you'd let me know what you thought ;)
Ruins |
The breeze rustled the leaves on the trees while Talia
focused in on every sound, listening for any indication of the return of her
husband. Her knights would be stranded on this mercenary planet if they didn't
fight their way through the ruins to the portal cave soon. She knew the solar
flares would keep the portal inactive for another six weeks.
Talia breathed deep trying to loosen the knot in her throat.
Something had gone wrong… she didn't want to abandon him...
A twig snapped underfoot. She turned to find Sir Richard,
his concern leaking through his stoic gaze.
"Talia, we are running out of time, are we staying or
making an attempt on the gate?" Sir Richard asked.
"We move, Daren knew when we had to leave, we've waited
as long as we can." The authority in her voice crackled slightly.
Taking a moment to sweep her hair back up and don her white
masked helmet, she waved her men forward and they crept down toward the stone
ruins. The grass was slick under their combat boots. Little pieces of grass
clung to their armored pants as they made their way forward.
Suddenly a cacophony of battle cries alerted them to their
enemy’s presence within the ruins. Talia looked up just in time to see a figure
dressed in a black from head to toe climb to the top of a rock wall in the
midst of the ruins. He stood brandishing the mercenary flag at her approaching
Her husband had worn the mantle of the Black Knight, and
here this imposter stood mocking her! Rage welled up within her, deafening her
ears and narrowing her focus as she ran off after the scum. She didn’t stop as
the enemy poured out from behind the stones attempting to surround her. Her
knights, struggling to keep up with her, were already keeping them otherwise
engaged. Nothing stood between her and the Black Knight imposter now!
Near the center of the ruins, the grass turned to voice
which caked against her boots and spattered the hem of her white skirt. The
scowl of disgust for this imposter deepened as the earthy smell of the voice
assaulted her nose.
The sound of a
clearing throat caused her to whirl around, her sword held defensively in front
of her.
“White Lady,” The man swept his sword free hand in a mock
His mouth angled into an amused smirk and his eyes narrowed under the mask that
hid the upper half of his face and hair. She lunged at him, momentarily
surprising him with the rage that fueled the strength behind her sword.
“How DARE you take on his mantle you Evian scum!” Talia
“You’ll regret your choice of words!” The black knight called
over the sounds of battle before rushing again at her.
A few smooth movements of the wrist and the imposter had managed to disarm her,
as only her husband had ever managed to do. She spared a fearful glance in the
direction of her sword only to find it buried hilt high in the ground. Even if
she made a desperate lunge she wouldn’t be fast enough.
The imposter in black advanced on Talia and within two steps
her back met the damp stone wall. The Black Knight held the flat of his blade
across her chest as his body moved in closer to pin her to the wall. She turned
her chin away from the point of his sword as the warmth of his breath brushed
against her cheek.
His free hand forced her face back towards his; his hand
feeling like fire to her chilled skin. She glared at him but He leaned in any
way to whisper close to her ear. Her mind raced frantically as she looked over
his shoulder at the rest of her knights seemingly so far away, all locked in
battle. There was no one to help her.
“I believe I warned you that you would regret your words…”
The man in black purred his icy threat into her ear.
He backed off her chest slightly, giving her room once more
to breathe.
His sword slipped down her chest and in one swift movement
he took her face in both of his hands and pressed his mouth to hers forcefully.
Talia froze. His sword fell between them and clattered off the top of her armored
boots. Her mind whirled as his warmth, force, and the musky scent of his sweat
coated armor assaulted her senses. The stubble on his face pricked her cheek
snapping her back to her senses.
Her shock and anger
drove renewed adrenalin into her veins giving her the strength to shove back
her attacker. She quickly bent to grab the Black Knight’s sword from her feet
and thrust the sharpened end in his direction. Her aim faltered though. She had
reached up in disgust to wipe his saliva from her mouth but as her fingertips
paused at her lips she realized her mistake.
“Daren?” She choked.
The Black Knight smiled with relief as he tore off his masked
“I was afraid you weren’t going to recognize me,” He
Talia dropped the sword and threw herself into his embrace.
“How’d you?” She stuttered.
“I couldn’t make it back without going through one of the
mercenary encampments so I made them believe I was a turncoat who wanted to
join their forces- then I got stationed to guard these ruins. I still don’t
think they’ve even recognized me yet!”
Talia buried her face into Daren’s armored suit. “I was afraid we were going to
have to leave you behind.”
Daren hugged her close one last time and then pulled her out at arm’s length,
studying her. “How about we go give our guys a hand?” He suggested.
Talia shot him an impish grin. “These mercenary guards aren’t going to know
what hit them!”
Daren retrieved Talia’s sword before they both charged back
into the melee.