Map for Visionary From The Stars |
I HAVE been working on the sequel to the Alien Mind like I promised. I just have everything on paper for now as I've been writing at doctors appointments and while waiting before interviews (I keep my resume's in a leather folder with a few clean sheets of paper and a pencil just in case). Unfortunately, this means I don't have a sneak peak from the sequel ready to share yet. AWWWWW! I know! I'm sorry!
However, I HAVE been having some success with editing/rewriting Visionary From The Stars here lately (my second book and NOT related to The Alien Mind). I'm currently about halfway through the manuscript (FINALLY!). It took me forever to get here!
Meantime I have alternated between wanting to toss out my map and subsequently realizing I drew it that way on purpose at least half a dozen times. This map may not make it into the final book, I draw to keep myself organized when describing a scene. I do however include these drawings on the Fan Extras section for each book which can be found listed on the
Books tab above.
So, since I can't give you a piece of the sequel (Darn! It is getting good too!), for this week's sneak peek, I'll give you a piece of Visionary! I hope you enjoy it, feel free to tell me what you think!
Also, I'd LOVE to hear what you are working on! Doesn't have to be writing related. Anyone doing any projects this summer? Tell us about them in the comments!
“There should be a small stream coming up soon,” Chris stated while walking and peering into his MTD screen. Focused on the screen, he bumped into Laurie. Mumbling an apology he put his computer away and paid attention to the path.
“We should find two more members waiting for us on the other side of the stream.” Bushwhacker informed them.
Upon reaching the stream, they crossed on natural stepping-stones they found midstream. When they reached the opposite bank, there was no sign of the expected ECOPs.
“Where are they?” Chris asked.
Bushwhacker was scanning the forest edge stream bed with careful scrutiny.
“Perhaps we should signal them?” Laurie suggested.
“Yes, I suppose so. They’re probably just late,” Bushwhacker replied with a nod.
All three ECOPs took out their tegars from their belts, extended them with two shakes of their wrists, and commenced generating the signal. Two iguanas came dashing from the woods. They too were making the call in response. As the group came together, they each put away their tegars. The iguanas bent over panting and laughing, their hands on their scaly knees.
After they caught their breath, they both straightened up and introduced themselves.
“I’m Mon,”
“I’m Nom,”
“Sorry we’re late,” they chirped in unison,
“Chameleons had farmland disputes,”
“We just managed to get it all settled.”
Bushwhacker smiled and nodded, “Quite understandable, it is farming season for the chameleons. Whirlp expected something like that to come up… Mon, Nom, this is Laurie Kingston and Chris Hagan,”
“A pleasure,”
“To meet you,” said Mon and Nom smiling.
The brothers were identical, Laurie noticed, from the way the ridges above their eyes curved to the pattern in the scales down their chests. They both had orange spines running down their backs and multiple black rings down their tails. The tips of their tails were the only physical trait Laurie noticed a difference in; one was black the other green. The brother who had identified himself as Mon wore a red braided bracelet around his right arm.
“You two are twins!” Laurie exclaimed with a laugh.
“You are also iguanas, like Tarpin, if I’m not mistaken,” Chris added.
The way Mon and Nom kept jumping and hopping around, it was hard to tell.
“Right and,”
“Right again!” The twin brothers answered as they continued dancing in place on their tiptoes.
The children laughed.
“We thought Tarpin,” Mon started.
“Would be joining us.” Nom finished.
“He will join us at the meeting,” Bushwhacker answered.
The twins stopped dancing and started doing arm circles.
“We should probably make camp now,” Bushwhacker continued, looking toward the setting sun.
Chris and Laurie went off to look for edible plants while the twins went to look for firewood.
Bushwhacker put together a fire ring with rocks from the riverbed.
Soon after everyone had eaten, the twins stretched out on the riverbank and fell into a watchful sleep.
Bushwhacker and the children sat beside a merrily crackling fire.
“Are Mon and Nom always this energetic?” Laurie asked.
“They have their days. Mon and Nom can be serious when duty calls. Even so, you haven’t seen the worst of it. I’m just glad the Chameleons had the sense not to let them anywhere near their sugar cane; now that makes them hyper!” Bushwhacker answered.
Chris chuckled as he found himself trying to imagine Mon and Nom more energetic than they were today.