Monday, October 8, 2018

Day 8 Photos for the setting in Visionary From The Stars

Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge Day 8 Photos that remind you of your book's setting! You can join this blog challenge too, whether you are a writer OR a reader! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun! You can also join in on social media by posting your challenge answer with #ExploringNewWorlds added to your post!

So... here are some photos that remind me of some of the settings in Visionary From The Stars... Thank you Pinterest!

Come check out others who are posting their Day 8 Blog Challenge as well!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Day 7 Photos that remind me of the Platonians in Visionary From The Stars

Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge Day 7 Photos That Remind Me Of The Protagonist! You can join this blog challenge too, whether you are a writer OR a reader! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun! Or you can join in on social media with #ExploringNewWorlds!

So today I will be sharing with you some images that assisted me while creating the Platonians in my newest release, Visionary From The Stars!
The Platonians are 'lizard like' aliens with thick scaly bodies and long tails. They also sport sharp pointy teeth. Also, while they may be my antagonists, there is also a group of them that actually help our Star Traveler team!

 Come check out others who are posting their Day 7 Blog Challenge as well!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Day 6: Photos that remind me of The Star Traveler Team

Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge Day 3 Photos That Remind Me Of The Main Character! You can join this blog challenge too, whether you are a writer OR a reader! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun! You can also join in on social media if you'd prefer- just create your post and add #ExploringNewWorlds to it!

As you all may know by now, my book Visionary From The Stars has just been released!

So today I will be introducing you to the Star Traveler team by finding pictures that remind me of how I think they look!

Crew of the Star Traveler EX 001 and EX 002

Lookalike for Captain Mitchell 

work man person suit people male office human professional business profession glasses job official success politician appearance delegate shane robinson facial hair military officer military person
Look Alike for Eli Kingston (Laurie's Father)

A young woman doctor with her arms crossed isolated over a red background
Look Alike for Anna Kingston (Laurie's Mother)

Portrait of girl with light of study.
Look Alike for Laurie Kingston

I tried to find a look alike for Dr. Eric Smith but the best I could come up with was Robert Downy Jr. here in this picture.
Image result for black guy

This guy reminds me of what I always imagined Mr. Gorioshi Higashi looks like

So... care to tell me what you think? Interested in the book? Visionary From The Stars is free on Kindle till October 9th!

While we are waiting... Come check out others who are posting their Day 6 Blog Challenge as well!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Day 5 Laurie's favorite book

Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge Day 5 Find your main character's favorite book! You can join this challenge too! On a blog OR on social media,whether you are a writer OR a reader! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun!

Laurie Kingston is the Main Character in my book Visionary From The Stars. Getting her to pick just one favorite book was like pulling teeth without novocaine.

 Image result for can't pick just one favorite book

Laurie: YEAH! What he said!

Me: I still need you to pick one... I have to head to bed SOMETIME here!

Laurie: Oh I forgot, you have a 'real job' now. *rolls her eyes sarcastically*

Me: You remember how tired you were during your first mission after you were so nervous the night before that you didn't sleep? Remember having to take a nap before you flew through the meteor field?

Laurie: Yeah...

Me: Well then you know what it is like!

*Laurie Nods*

Laurie: I guess we both need to get some better sleep huh. Favorite book first... Hmmm, how about:

Image result for Little House On The Prairie

Me: Oh, interesting choice. I've not read that one since I was a young girl.

Laurie: Not just the one... the whole series

Me: O.o somehow I think that is cheating.

Laurie: Take it or leave it.

Me: Fine, why then?

Laurie: Earth an many of the other human colonies have become so tied to technology. When I found out that Exandra was going to be built more rural, for those that wanted to farm or study nature... I wanted to do some research into what the early settlers went through. I really enjoyed the detail put into those books.
Me: Hmm, ok good answer!

If any of you are interested in learning more about Laurie or Exandra you can read more in Visionary From The Stars, now available here:

While you are at it... Come check out others who are posting their Day 5 Blog Challenge as well!

Day 4 Explaining Visionary From The Stars with other book or movie titles

Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge Day 4 Explain your story using only OTHER books or movie titles! You can join this challenge too! On a blog or on social media, whether you are a writer OR a reader! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun!

I would describe Visionary From The Stars as a mix of Brian Jacques'  Redwall crossed with Star Trek or even Stargate.

Curious as to how others would describe their stories? While you are at it... Come check out others who are posting their Day 4 Blog Challenge as well!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Day 3 The Platonian's Favorite Song

Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge Day 3 Find your bad guy's favorite song! You can join this challenge too! On a blog or on social media, whether you are a writer OR a reader! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun!

The Platonians, specifically their Military Guild, are the Antagonists in my newest release Visionary From The Stars. They have spent so many years trying to stop others from finding the cylinder relics, it is a shame really. Many of their kind have become disenfranchised with the way the Military Guild has been doing things... they've taken to living in secret cities to escape being drafted into a battle they feel is unnecessary.

The Military Guild's most recent accomplishment has been simulating Exandra's legendary blizzard with the added effect of managing to knock out the human colony's electrical system. Therefore, this is currently their favorite song:

Ho Boy... awfully sure of themselves aren't they. They do end up blowing up a few ships with our friends onboard so... I think I'll step out of their way for now.

Interested? Come grab your copy of Visionary From The Stars Today!

While you are at it... Come check out others who are posting their Day 3 Blog Challenge as well!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Day 2 Laurie's Favorite Song

Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge Day 2 Find your main character's favorite song! You can join this challenge too! On a blog or on social media, whether you are a writer OR a reader! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun!

Laurie from my newest release Visionary From The Stars... I never really figured out what her favorite song is so I wandered over to You Tube to see what resonated with her character. She seems like she would really like this one:

Me: Laurie, can you tell us why you like this one?
Laurie: Sure, it works great as a memory exercise, trying to remember all the words to this one is challenging. I also like how they managed to weave all that history into just one song.

She's an odd kid lol.

If you are even remotely interested in ordering a copy of Visionary From The Stars for yourself you can find it here: Visionary From The Stars On Amazon!

While you are at it... Come check out others who are posting their Day 2 Blog Challenge as well!