Thursday, September 25, 2014

A Rejected Begining

This piece is a beginning I was hashing out for The White Knight. I rejected it because it started in the present, walked into a flashback and then ended right before the present. Just confusing. Anyhow, while I'm not keeping it for publication I thought you might find it interesting at the very least.

photo credit: Simon & His Camera via photopin cc

     Andrew sat down on a boulder along the side of the road blinking back tears. He hadn't made it in time to warn his brother. Now his brother and his brother's wife were both dead, and their daughter was nowhere to be found!
  Andrew sat down on a boulder along the side of the road blinking back tears. He hadn't made it in time to warn his brother. Now his brother and his brother's wife were both dead, and their daughter was nowhere to be found.

     He hadn't spoken to his brother in 5 years. When he saw the troupe of Grissom's army marching along the outskirts of Aglasia's border he knew he needed to let go of the past and headed out towards his brother's manor. Grissom's army would destroy all in their path if they were not stopped.

   But he had gotten there too late, Grissom's army had reached his brother's manor first. They executed the adults, killed the livestock and burned everything else. Andrew ran among in and out of the smoldering remains of the farm calling out for his brother's daughter. Fearing that she had been taken prisoner he had taken off down the dusty dirt road vowing to chase Grissom's army to the ends of the earth!

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